Philosophy research
This is a list of work in philosophy. At the bottom of the page is a list of works currently in progress.
Below are papers that are published or forthcoming--please email me for any drafts or copies of articles that you have trouble accessing!
Edited Volumes
Henne, P. and Murray, S. (eds) 2023. Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Action (London: Bloomsbury)
Journal Articles
Murray, S. In press. Vigilance and mind wandering. Mind & Language.
Murray, S. and Nadelhoffer, T. 2024. Commonsense morality and the bearable automaticity of being. Consciousness & Cognition 125, 103748
Murray, S. and Nadelhoffer, T. 2024. Not what I expected: Feeling of surprise differentially mediates effect of personal control on attributions of free will and responsibility. Review of Philosophy & Psychology 15, 837 - 61.
Murray, S., Dykhuis, E., and Nadelhoffer, T. 2024. Do people understand determinism? The tracking problem for measuring free will beliefs. In J. Knobe and S. Nichols (eds.) Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, vol. 5, 120 - 151.
Murray, S. 2024. Negligence and self-trust. In D. Shoemaker (ed.) Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, vol. 8, 148 - 172.
Murray, S. 2024. The nature and norms of vigilance. American Philosophical Quarterly 61:3, 265 - 278.
Murray, S. 2024. Causal power and perfection: Descartes' second a posteriori argument for God's existence. Review of Metaphysics 77:3, 445 - 459.
Irving, Z.*, Murray, S.*, Glasser, A., and Krasich, K. 2024. The Catch-22 of Forgetfulness. Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102:1, 100 - 18.
Nadelhoffer, T., Murray, S., and Dykhuis, E. 2023. Folk intuitions, the free will debate, and the failure to comprehend determinism. Erkenntnis 88:6, 2515 - 36.
Bermúdez, J.P.*, Murray, S.*, Barbosa, S., and Chartrand, L. 2023. What's inside is all that counts? The contours of everyday thinking about self-control. Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14, 33 - 55.
Murray, S. and Krasich, K. 2022. Can the mind wander intentionally? Mind & Language 37:3, 432-43.
Murray, S. and Finocchiaro, P. 2021. These confabulations will improve your marriage! Synthese 198, 10313-339.
Murray, S., Nadelhoffer, T., and Dykhuis, E. 2021. Piercing the smoke screen: dualism, free will, and Christianity. Journal of Cognition & Culture 21:1-2, 94-111.
Murray, S. (2020). A case for conservatism about animal consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies 27:9-10, 163-85.
Murray, S., (2020). The place of the trace: negligence and responsibility. The Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11, 39-52.
Murray, S. and Vargas, M. (2020). Vigilance and control. Philosophical Studies 177, 825-43.
Murray, S., Murray, E., Stewart, G., Sinnott-Armstrong, W., and De Brigard, F. (2019). Responsibility for forgetting. Philosophical Studies 176:5, 1177-1201.
Murray, S. (2018). Why Value Values?: Comment on John Doris’ Talking to Our Selves. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41, e54.
Murray, S. (2017). Reference, Fiction, and Omission. Synthese 195:1, 235-257.
Murray, S. (2017). Responsibility and Vigilance. Philosophical Studies 174:2, 507-527.
Murray, S. (2016). O’Connor’s Argument for Indeterminism. Philosophical Explorations 19:3, 268-275.
Murray, S. (2015). An Early Theory of Contingency in Leibniz. Studia Leibnitiana 47:2, 205-219.
Book chapters
Murray, S. and Henne, P. 2023. Introduction. In Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Action
Murray, S. 2023. Bringing self-control into the future. In Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Action, pp. 51 - 72.
Murray, S., Irving, Z.C., and Krasich, K. 2022. The Scientific Study of Passive Thinking: The Methodology of Mind Wandering Research. In F. De Brigard and W. Sinnott-Armstrong (eds.) Neuroscience and Philosophy (MIT Press), 389-426.
Murray, S. and De Brigard, F. 2021. “The neurocognitive mechanisms of responsibility: A framework for normatively relevant neuroscience,” In M. Hevia (ed.), Regulating Neuroscience: Translational and Legal Challenges, vol. 4 (Series: Developments in Neuroethics and Bioethics), (Elsevier: Academic Press), 19-40.
Vigilance (with Santiago Amaya)
Acting on a plan, task selection, and guidance
Forgetfulness and responsible agency
Murray, S. (2022) Consciousness, Objectivity, and Bias in Comparative Psychology: Review of How to study animal minds by K. Andrews. Metascience 31, 211 - 214.
Murray, S. (2020) Review of Emergence: Towards a new metaphysics and philosophy of science by M. Tabaczek. Review of Metaphysics 74:3, 417-19.
Murray, S. (2018) Review of Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, vol. 3, ed. David Shoemaker (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015). Journal of Moral Philosophy 15:5, 611-14.
Murray, S. (2018) Review of Consciousness and Freedom: The Inseparability of Thinking and Doing, by Donald Crosby (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2017). Review of Metaphysics 71:4, 796-98.
Murray, S. (2018) Review of Leibniz: Protestant Theologian, by Irena Backus (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). Journal of Analytic Theology 6.
Murray, S. (2016) Review of Omissions: Agency, Metaphysics, and Responsibility by Randolph Clarke (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014). Faith and Philosophy 33:1, 113-18.
Murray, S. (2014) Leibniz, God and Necessity by Michael V. Griffin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012). Theological Studies 75:1, 206-208.